My mount is a Losmandy G-11 Gemini Level 4. It has the "third bearing" upgrade, polar scope, upgraded clutch knobs, upgraded tripod lock levers, the Losmandy One Piece Worm
Block, a custom declination spacer made for me by a machinist friend and an 8" Robin Casady saddle plate.
My former mount was a Losmandy GM-8 Gemini Level 4 German Equatorial.
Scopes used to make the photographs on these pages include:
TeleVue TV101 f/5.4
TeleVue TV102 f/8.6
Takahashi FSQ-106N f/5
Stellarvue SV80S LOMO 80/480 f/6 or f/4.8 with reducer
Meade LX90 8" SCT f/10
Celestron C9.25 SCT f/10
My former camera was a Canon 350Da with the Baader UV/IR filter modification which I performed myself. For filters I use the Astronomik EOS CLS clip in light pollution filter and the Astronomik EOS 12nm clip in Hydrogen-alpha filter.
The current camera I am using is a QHY9C cooled ccd camera. It is a one shot color camera. The filter used is the Hutech IDAS LP filter which makes it possible to image from home in the suburbs.
Cameras used for Solar System images are made by The Imaging Source.
DBK 21AU04.AS one shot color 640x480
DBK 21AU618.AS one shot color 640 x 480
DMK 31AU03.AS monochrome 1024 x 768
© Gardner D. Gerry