The capture and processing of the images displayed in my galleries is done with several programs.
I use ImagesPlus 3.80 for stacking and aligning and image calibration.
I also use PixInsight Standard and PhotoShop CS3 for image finishing.
Image capture with the Canon 350D is handled with Backyard EOS.
Long exposures once were only possible through tedious manual guiding with an eye to a guide scope, making manual corrections to the tracking through the entire exposure.
Today technology has relieved the astrophotographer of this task. Now my setup is computer autoguided with a Stellarvue 60mm finder scope with a CCD Labs Q-guide camera attached. The camera is connected to my laptop and to the telescope mount. The software that runs this camera is PHD Guiding. I can easily pick a guide star near my target, calibrate the guider and mount and guide as far as the mount can track with sub-pixel precision.
© Gardner D. Gerry